Journal of Emerging Market Studies

Peer Review Policy

The Journal of Emerging Market Studies operates a rigorous and transparent peer review process to ensure the quality, integrity, and relevance of the research we publish. Peer review is an essential component of scholarly publishing, providing an independent evaluation of manuscripts by experts in the field to assess their scientific merit and validity.

Key Principles of Peer Review:

Independence: Peer review is conducted by independent experts who have no conflicts of interest with the authors or their research. Reviewers are selected based on their expertise, experience, and reputation in the relevant field.

Confidentiality: All peer review activities, including manuscript evaluation and reviewer comments, are conducted confidentially to maintain the integrity and impartiality of the process. Reviewers are required to treat submitted manuscripts as privileged information and refrain from discussing or disclosing their contents without authorization.

Fairness: The peer review process is conducted in a fair and unbiased manner, with reviewers evaluating manuscripts based on their scientific merit, originality, significance, and relevance to the journal's scope. Reviewers are expected to provide constructive feedback to authors to help improve the quality of their research.

Transparency: The peer review process is transparent, with reviewers providing clear and well-reasoned evaluations of manuscripts to the editorial team. Authors are informed of the reasons for any decisions made regarding their manuscript and have the opportunity to respond to reviewer comments.

Timeliness: The peer review process is conducted in a timely manner to ensure efficient manuscript handling and minimize delays in publication. Reviewers are expected to complete their evaluations within a specified timeframe to facilitate timely editorial decisions.

Types of Peer Review:

The Journal of Emerging Market Studies employs a double-blind peer review process which means reviewers and authors are unaware of each other's identities, ensuring impartiality and minimizing potential biases.

Role of Reviewers:

As a reviewer Journal of Emerging Market Studies, your responsibilities include:

Conducting thorough and impartial evaluations of assigned manuscripts
Providing constructive feedback to authors to improve the quality of their research
Maintaining confidentiality and integrity throughout the peer review process
Meeting deadlines for reviewing manuscripts in a timely manner

Ethical Considerations:
Reviewers are expected to adhere to ethical guidelines and standards, including confidentiality, impartiality, and integrity, throughout the peer review process. Reviewers should disclose any potential conflicts of interest and recuse themselves from reviewing manuscripts where conflicts exist.

Contact Us:
If you have any questions or concerns about the peer review process at Journal of Emerging Market Studies, please contact us at We are committed to transparency and openness in all aspects of our publishing process and welcome feedback from our reviewers and authors.